Monday, September 22, 2014

Running From Yourself...

Hello World....

Just a few words for wisdom and encouragement before you start your day.

We are born with a purpose.  Some get to know theirs before others...others give up...others keep going in the hopes that ONE day the answer will come.  In a different category, some figure it out and then run from it in the name of FEAR.  Coming from a SHECreatediT business seminar yesterday (9/21/14),  I had the pleasure of sitting in front of an awesome person, Myron Schippers.   and listen about Goal Setting.  Among the other information that was disseminated at this think tank/meeting of the minds, I got the definition of FEAR: False Evidence Appears Real

Fear makes us run from our objectives, makes us run from ourselves.  What does that mean? It means, you know you are an artist (your purpose), meaning you have a gift that plagues you day in and day out because it's not being fed and created.  Developing your gift will take creativity and work to be successful, so to run away from it.  How?  You take a job in corporate america to get comfortable and get a guaranteed check.  OH wow! you have a paycheck every two weeks and are comfortable yet miserable.  Miserable because your gift is still dancing in your mental waiting to manifest.  Yes! Your gift is present and you dabble in it and each time you dabble you get this feeling of contentment...contentment because you are where you are supposed to be.

I can only speak for me so I'll use me as an example - singing/pianist.  I do it/have done it got scared and I ran...once I started running I kept making up excuses of why I was running.  Even though I'm surrounded by people that are making it happen, I see the process I see them go from planning on paper to fruition and still the excuses come of why I can't do it.  And the more excuses that come up, the worse I feel.  The cycle has to change, the cycle is changing, running around in a circle makes me dizzy.  A good friend of mine just said "stop going back in time" she wasn't talking about this blog or the topic, she doesn't even know I'm writing this right now but it spoke to me because my downfall is to continue to look back on BAD things and allowing my future to be affected.  A question I pose to myself, "what about the GOOD things?  Why not reflect on those and allow my future to be affected?"  Great question self.  We're working on that right now! (Read "Pregnant With A Purpose")

  • First step - Vision Board in full effect!
    • See it/ Plan it/Do it
  • Second step - Create the plan
  • Third step - Do the plan
  • Constant step - Adjust the plan (always)

The moral of this story:

Stop running from your destiny!  Stop letting a made up feeling stop you from being totally happy!  Quit settling for less than....get more than...get YOUR more than!

Peace and Blessings!

~Are you a female blogger? Are you a female working in the arts? Check out these two support organizations: Women With Gifts SHECreatediT ~

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